The first step in creating a soccer club is deciding the level of skill or competence you want your club to achieve. With this you will be able to determine the members you wish to get. It is important to invite the players who pass the level of competence you aspire for the group.
Soccer Club Formation Base
The formation you choose should be based on:
- The ability of your players.
- Your players speed and endurance.
- The number of substitutes you have.
- The length of the field.
- The other team's strengths and weaknesses.
(If you play fewer than 11 on the field, the same principles still apply, but you will need to reduce the numbers accordingly).
You should use a formation that gives your players the best chance of being successful. For example, if you have a great goalkeeper, a fast, tough and skilful player who can play Sweeper, and either Fullbacks with lots of endurance or lots of subs, or play on a short field, you can play a 1-3-3-3 and push your Fullbacks up to the halfway line when you attack. However, if you play on a long field, don't have many subs, and have Fullbacks who aren't fast and who lack stamina, your players can't be successful if you ask them to push up to the halfway line on your attack and you will be better off to use a 3-2-2-3 formation (3 FB's, 2 Defensive Midfielders, 2 Offensive MF's & 3 Forwards).
Team Formation Responsibility
It will be the responsibility of the age group coordinators to form teams within their age group. This will be done based on the team formation process outlines below. Once teams have been formed, the club president will review and approve the teams and submit them to the club registrar for processing.
Soccer Uniform
Soccer Jerseys
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